
Ref: Acupuncture/Chinese medicine/infertility/miscarriages/IVF/natural pregnancy/Glasgow


21 May 2010

Dear Dr Chen

I remember when I first came to see you and I read the stories up on your wall of all the lucky couples that you helped to have babies, and I was so desperate to be one of those success stories. When I came to see you in January 2009 after 2-years of trying for a baby and two miscarriages, this all seemed like such a long way away. After you assessed me, you advised that my body, and more importantly, my womb was just not ready to have a baby. We were already on the waiting list for IVF even though I knew we could get pregnant, we just seemed to have trouble holding onto our babies. I had been told by my Consultant that our chances of getting pregnant naturally and with my eggs were very slim, and were advised that IVF with an egg donor was our best bet. Understandably this left us heartbroken, but if this gave us the precious child that we longed for, we were willing to try anything. My sister even offered to donate eggs so that we could have the treatment sooner. As this was such a big decision, we decided to give things another bash for 6-months, and if nothing happened we could embark on the route of IVF with the egg donor.

I came to see you every week for acupuncture and your ‘delicious’ concoctions which I religiously drank twice a day. It always made me chuckle that you called this dark brown muck tea, as it tasted far from anything pleasant. However, I got used to drinking them and developed a knack to down them as quickly as possible and was forever lighting candles to get rid of the smell in our house. Our wooden spoon is now stained brown to forever remind me of them!

My periods finally returned a few weeks after I started coming and each week I came, I asked when I would be ready to conceive. You always answered very wisely ‘soon’. After 3-months of treatment you finally said that my body and womb were now ready…… and we conceived naturally that month without IVF and with my own eggs! I carried on coming for weekly treatment of acupuncture and yummy tea well into my pregnancy. I had a breeze of a pregnancy and felt confident with your treatment which helped us get past the stage that we never managed with previous pregnancies.

Our beautiful wee miracle was born on 14 January 2010, two days early. We are now proud parents to Maximillian (Max) Oliver who was 7lbs 3oz. Max means ‘greatest’ and you have given us the greatest gift that anyone could have given us. Not a day goes by that I do not think how lucky and truly bless we are to have such a happy healthy boy, none of which would ever have been possible without your help. I have already recommended you to friends who have also had problems conceiving, with failed IVF treatments who now have their own happy stories to tell.

We will be eternally grateful to you, and I finally made it on your wall.

With much love,
Becki, Dec and Max McCulloch

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